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The Grace of Christ be with you!
Confirmation bias is another way of saying we only see what we expect to see. The prophet Zephaniah proclaims the turn of God’s wrath that led to Israel’s exile to favor. God is the warrior God who does not seek to punish Israel for their sins but to love them and defend them against their enemies. Where do we see confirmation of our faith? Is it unbiased? Why or why not?
Proclaim God’s forgiveness without reproach - Encourage those who fall to try again
Proclaim renewal without threat of punishment. - Christ seeks out lost to forgive not harm
Refuse to take counsel of fears - Church continues to be voice of needy
Provide sanctuary from oppression - No place for racism, sexism, ageism…
Save the lame - We learn to walk in faith together
Gather the outcasts - Welcome all believers around Table
Blessings, Will
MJPC NEWSLETTER: A link to our current newsletter is HERE
THIS COMING SUNDAY: "Advent Bias" based on Zephaniah 3:14-20. The Rev. Will Heyward is preaching. Sunday Worship Bulletin.
ADVENT LABYRINTH AT MJPC: The labyrinth is available on the front porch at MJPC for use during Advent. You are invited to take time during the season to reflect on the meaning of your faith and life as you walk this guided path.
We will also offer candlelight walks on Wednesdays in advent, Dec. 4, 11, 18 from 6-7pm each night. Music and hot cider will be available as well. Weather cancellations of the candlelight walks will be posted on our MJPC Facebook page. Merry Christmas to all and may the gift of Christ bring you hope, peace, and a path forward in life.
CHRISTMAS CONCERT! Join us at MJPC on Sunday, December 15th at 2pm to hear our own Cathy Wilson and friends in concert. The program will feature Cathy on organ, piano, & hammer dulcimer. Sylvia Zahner will also perform on the piano. It is free and open to the public. This concert will be streamed on this website. A link is HERE.
CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE: Join us in person or online at 7pm as we welcome the Christ child in worship. The service will include a celebration of the Lord's Supper and a candle light recessional. Christmas blessings on all!
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Mailing Address:
Mt. Jefferson Presbyterian Church
P.O. Box 782
West Jefferson, NC 28694
Phone: (336) 846-7481
Give to MJPC Online Here! You can make a one-time donation or set up a regular draft on your bank account or credit card. Thank you for your continued support!