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The Grace of Christ be with you!
One way to summarize Jesus’ encounter with the rich man is this: If you love someone, you tell them the truth. The truth is that we are all renters. We own nothing but are stewards of God’s blessings and are charged to share these blessings with those in need. Of course, we can also imagine that we deserve our blessings and we can always imagine having more so that we always feel poor. In this light, Jesus’ command to the rich man merely burdens us with guilt. Yet, with faith in Christ we can cultivate what the rich man lacked. That is, we can almost always live with less. Hence we are always rich in that we always have something to share, and Jesus’ words then offer hope, not guilt.
Blessings, Will
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THIS COMING SUNDAY: "The Inheritance" based on Mark 10:17-31. The Rev. Will Heyward is preaching. Sunday Worship Bulletin.
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